Holy Infant Catholic Church
Father Michaels Weekly Thoughts
Dear friends, welcome to the celebration of the 7th Sunday of Ordinary time and the last Sunday in the month of February. We will soon begin the Lenten Season on Wednesday March 5th, 2025. Next weekend March 1st and 2nd is the official launch of the Annual Diocesan Appeal for 2025. Kindly find the enclosed leaflets on the same. I wish to thank you very much for your support and participation in the Annual Diocesan Appeal for the year 2024. I am very pleased that every year, we were able to meet and exceed our Goal. 50% of the money collected is returned to us. Please, let everyone get involved.
The Gospel Reading of last Sunday; Luke 6:17, 20-26 Jesus taught his disciples on the plain about the beatitude or blessedness. His teaching: “blessed are you who are poor, blessed are you who are hungry, who are weeping for you will laugh. Blessed are you when the people hate you and denounce you on the account of the Son of man- rejoice and leap for joy.” Such teaching was unexpected as many people took the poor to be cursed and the rich blessed. We are all invited to embrace the spirit of poverty and simplicity which is the way of Jesus as we reach out to the poor and support Justice and Peace programs.
In the Gospel Reading of this Sunday, Luke 6: 27-38 Jesus pronounces something new in the ears of his disciples; love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those mistreat you. This sounds unbearable yet is the way to holiness, true love and the discipleship of Jesus.
Jesus contrasts the behavior of his disciples with the behavior of sinners. We must follow Jesus’ way inviting me to be loving, merciful and forgiving. At his passion, Jesus demonstrated the meaning of his teaching as he prayed, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”
As a disciple of Jesus, I am equally called to live this life of Jesus, as equally lived by the Saints, like St. Stephen- “do not hold this sin against them.”
Lord help me to choose and opt for mercy rather than revenge.
Have a great week and God bless.