Father Michaels Weekly Thoughts
Holy Infant Catholic Church
Dear friends, welcome to the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time and the last but one Sunday in the Liturgical cycle B. Next Sunday culminates the liturgical year as we Celebrate Christ the King of the Universe.
In the gospel reading of last Sunday, we heard Jesus’ observation as people contributed to the treasury at the Temple. He commended the contribution of two coins of the poor widow because of its sacrificial nature; she gave all she had to live on, yet the rest gave from their surplus.
As Jesus continues his journey to Jerusalem where he would suffer death, thus end his life, teaches his disciples the signs that will indicate the second coming of the Son of Man. He used words and images drawn from the Old Testament like from the prophet Daniel.
Jesus went to offer the lesson of a fig tree to encourage his disciples to develop a spiritual sensitivity. Just as the budding of a fig tree signals the change in season; certain things will signal the times Jesus spoke about. These could be close or in the near future. Some events will lead to destruction- like the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.
Jesus calls upon us all waiting for his second coming to be vigilant, keep watching and never let us be deceived no matter whether Jesus’ return is imminent or still distant; let us keep watchful.
Repairs of the kitchen at the rectory is still underway. Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this noble cause. Contributions are still required to meet the unforeseen costs that surfaced in the process of the repair.
Have a great week and God bless.